Energizing America: Solar’s Contribution to Energy Independence

For decades, America’s leaders have aimed for energy independence — producing enough energy domestically to power homes, businesses and today, cars — without relying on others.

The quest for energy independence has never been more crucial. As the country moves toward more clean energy sources, the challenge becomes even more acute.

  • How do we support a civilization reliant on electricity?

  • How will we balance central vs. distributed production?

  • How can smart energy investments become self-sustaining?

Part of the  solution: Generate more reliable, economical solar power. At Optimus Energy Solutions we believe that more electricity produced domestically—even locally—is good for the country, good for our communities, and good for the customers we serve. Just like more domestic food production is good for the economy, whether to consume it, sell it, or store it—more energy production helps secure a growing economy.

Generate More

Long-term, America needs to generate more solar energy. Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that the rate of increase in electricity use is outpacing both population and economic growth.

Ben Pauluhn, President of Optimus Energy Solutions, notes, “The adoption of electric vehicles and the broader trend of electrification are significant drivers of increased electricity demand. The surge in electricity demand has also been reflected in electricity prices, up nearly 15% in 2022 alone. Solar and EV Charging systems will help meet demand and provide an attractive return that makes sense for businesses and homeowners.”

Keep Electricity Local

We eat local, drink local, and buy local. Shouldn't we generate electricity locally, too?

At Optimus, our strategic approach to energy independence involves electricity production closer to where it is consumed: at our homes and businesses. Distributed energy generation—in contrast to central energy distribution from large power plants—is made possible by rooftop solar PV systems.

  • Visuals: Benefits of local solar electricity production:

  • Increased Efficiency

  • Enhanced Reliability

  • Flexibility

  • Good for the Environment

  • Lower Energy Costs

  • Creates Jobs

  • Grows the Economy

90% of the electricity our customers produce over time is used on their property or a neighboring property. With power infrastructure already in place, Optimus’ works closely with utilities to ensure local power generation benefits the community:

“When we install a new solar system, it’s going to add power to the grid for 30-40 years. So, we’ve taken a partnership approach with utility providers to bring as much power production capacity onto the grid as possible,” said Ben. “Solar supplements the grid by generating and distributing more electricity on equipment that is already there, like underground lines and transformers. If the grid goes down, decentralized solar and storage is another layer and option for power production.”

Batteries Are The New Oil

The future of energy is storage. Batteries collect energy from solar systems when there’s excess supply, stores it and later releases it during times of high demand. A value-add for businesses and property owners, batteries can further reduce energy costs over the life of the system.

Homes and small businesses can install a 20KW solar energy system, paired with a 40KW battery, and offset nearly 100% of their energy requirements over time. Further supplemented with on-site gas generation, it’s possible to run for years without the need for electricity from the grid.

In the coming years, the storage market is positioned to skyrocket. Today, residential battery uptake is ten times that of  commercial adoption. The market incentives are starting to align in a way that makes commercial storage more attractive for business owners, which has the potential to dwarf the residential storage market.

For information about how a solar and battery backup system can keep you plugged in, give us a call: 352-234-3552

The Big Picture

As the world moves towards a carbon-neutral—and energy independent—economy, the role of solar power and energy storage becomes increasingly important.

By embracing local production and storage solutions, we can meet the growing demand for power, reduce our environmental impact, and realize a virtuous cycle where our electricity needs before self-sustaining.

Call us today to set up your free consultation and learn more about how to become energy independent, or click here to request a phone call


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