Electrified Transportation – The Southeast Leading the Way

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Florida is 2nd in the nation in the number of registered electric vehicles and that number is growing quickly. Our neighbor to the north, Georgia, is a nationwide leader in EV charging infrastructure, led in large part by efforts at Georgia Power. Pairing the dynamic Florida market with the Georgia-led innovation, an entire EV ecosystem is on the horizon for our Southeast region. A single plant in Georgia is slated to produce batteries for 200,000 cars per year starting in 2022 while the Florida Department of Transportation has multiple programs dedicated to building up EV infrastructure, like fast chargers, along highway and evacuation corridors. ChargePoint, Optimus Energy Solutions, and others are aggressively supporting these efforts with industry-leading design and installation services as well as quality education.  

The team at Optimus Energy Solutions is dedicated to educating users and building quality EV charging solutions that can scale. We are rapidly deploying solutions for road networks, fleet depots, multi-family communities and many other multi-user applications throughout Florida. Our colleagues in Georgia have succeeded in fostering an environment of growth in the EV industry at large, providing sustainable economic opportunities for multiple southeast businesses over the coming decade.

With the abundance of sunlight, business opportunity, distribution networks and talent in these two states, we should work cooperatively to lead the way for the United States in developing the next generation of efficient, safe, quiet, cost-effective (and really cool) transportation and power production. EV charging infrastructure will serve as the backbone for exponential local investment (see our Virtuous Cycle discussions) and should be fostered for the benefit of businesses and communities.


Meet the Team: Rick Mariucci


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